How To Buy a Great Home

There are many factors to consider when searching for your perfect property. Below are a few things to consider when you start your hunt. You may think of others that are important to you. 

The neighborhood

 What kind of neighborhood are you looking for? Is the neighborhood more or less important relative to the house? Describe your ideal neighborhood.

Do your homework.

  • Scout the neighborhood. Drive through at different times of the day and different days of the week. 
  • How are the houses maintained? Are the yards well kept? Are the houses freshly painted? What kind of condition are the cars in and how many are there?
  • Talk to your potential neighbors. What are the positives and negatives for them? How long have they lived there?
  • How is the noise? Are there main streets or highways nearby? Do airplanes fly over? Are there playgrounds and schools in the area?
  • Check out area shopping centers, churches, theaters and parks. What kind of public transportation is available? 
  • What do you look for in your ideal neighborhood?

 Resources to help you find your ideal neighborhood

  •  Is there an HOA to contact?
  • The local school. Make an appointment and interview the staff.
  • The police department. Go and ask about crime rates and what type of crime is most prevalent in the area. Is it a college town with lots of Saturday night parties that make the crime rate skyrocket or is it breaking and entering?



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